Improve Team Communication with Simple, Effective Online Training

Easy-to-implement DISC training program designed for immediate impact and lasting results, all from the comfort of your digital workspace.

Avoid the Hassle of Time-Consuming Training Programs

Most communication training programs are overly complex, time-consuming, and difficult to manage, leaving your team feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.

Introducing the Team Builder Foundations program your straightforward, efficient, and comprehensive online training solution

Designed with simplicity in mind, this program provides all the tools and resources you need to enhance your team’s communication skills without the hassle of complicated setups or lengthy training sessions.

Why Choose Team Builder Foundations?

Easy of Use

Our program is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for both you and your team.

Online Flexibility

Access the training materials anytime, anywhere. Whether your team is in the office or working remotely, the online platform accommodates all scenarios.

Comprehensive Content

Benefit from a rich array of resources, including interactive training modules, personalized insights and actionable strategies, all aimed at improving team communication.

Quick Implementation

Get started right away. No need for extensive preparation or external facilitators.


Save time and money by using a single, integrated solution that your team members can return to again and again. The best part? You pay for it once and that’s it…NO sneaky annual renewal fees.

Improve Your Team's Communication

The Team Builder Foundations program is perfect for business owners who want a simple yet powerful solution to improve team communication. Here’s what you can expect:

Personalized Learning

Each team member receives a customized DISC assessment and report, providing insights into their communication styles and how to work better together.

Engaging Content

Interactive and engaging content keep your team motivated and focused on improving their communication skills.

Actionable Strategies

Practical tips and strategies that can be applied immediately to enhance teamwork and collaboration.

Take the first step towards a more cohesive and connected team. The Team Builder Foundations program offers the perfect blend of simplicity and effectiveness to meet your business needs. Enroll today and experience the difference in how your team communicates.

Program Overview

Here’s what you and your team will experience with the Team
Builder Foundations program:

Research-Validated Assessment

Participants complete a 20-minute assessment to reveal their work style and preferences using the DISC model.

A 20-page Personalized
DISC Report

Discover your “work self” with insights that highlight your unique DISC style, what drives you, and how you relate to others.

Ongoing Access to

A personalized online learning platform, Catalyst™ is your digital home base for continuous learning and team engagement. Enjoy real-time connections and ongoing access with NO renewal fees.

What you’ll find inside the platform:

Colleague Comparison:

See how your DISC style compares with colleagues for better teamwork.

Conversation Starters:

Fun and simple prompts to spark meaningful team bonding.

Your Groups:

Create groups, map out everyone’s DISC style, and get practical tips for cohesive teamwork.

Get Advice:

Find tailored advice for navigating daily interactions and challenges with colleagues.

Click the button below to watch a behind-the-scenes video and discover how Catalyst can elevate your learning experience.

Three Months of
Personalized Emails

Weekly emails tailored to each team member’s DISC style, full of tips and insights to keep everyone engaged and improving their communication skills.

And the cherry on top? The emails come straight from DISC for Small Business, which means you can sit back, relax, and watch the magic happen without adding anything to your to-do list.

Investment Details for the Team Builder Foundations Program

Invest in a unified communication framework for your team. Here’s what your investment entails:

Program Investment


(includes assessments + access to Catalyst for up to 10 team members)

Enroll now in the Team Builder Foundations Beta Program and enjoy a $1,000 savings!

Use the code: BETA1000 at checkout

Have more than 10 employees?
No problem. It’s only $197 for each additional person.


Exclusive Bonuses to Make Getting Started Even Easier!

Bonus #1

Kick-Off Call with Michelle

If you want a little extra support, I’m here for you. During this optional 30-minute Zoom call, we’ll craft your customized DISC rollout plan together. Launch your team's learning journey with confidence!

Bonus #2

Discover Your Starting Point with our
Pre-Training Culture Survey🌟

Curious about where your team's vibe stands before bringing DISC into the mix? This Culture Survey is your secret weapon. Take a professional pulse on your organization's current climate BEFORE introducing the DISC program. This valuable tool not only helps you see the big picture but also sets the stage for you to measure the impactful changes DISC brings to your team.

Bonus #3

Ready-to-Use Email Templates 📄
When you’re ready to introduce DISC to your team, we've crafted the perfect email templates to inform your crew about this fantastic professional development opportunity. Just copy, paste and customize as desired. Hit send and watch the excitement build!

A Note About the Beta Program

This is the first time we’re offering the Team Builder Foundations Program so there may be a few things to work out. Because of that, we’d like to work with a small group of no more than 20 customers to fine-tune the process.

If you’d like to score a $1,000 savings, all we ask is that you:

1. Complete the program
2. Provide feedback
3. Leave a great review if you think it deserves it

Enroll now…before this offer is gone for good!

Use the code: BETA1000 at checkout

It’s Easy to Get Started

We make it easy for you to start using DISC as a common language in your organization.

step 1

Enroll Now

Enroll now and get everything you need for a smooth rollout of the Team Builder Foundations program to your team.

step 2

Take the Assessment & Gain Insights

Each team member will receive an email inviting them to create their Everything DiSC on Catalyst account and complete a 20-minute online assessment.

step 3

Cultivate Better Communication

Create a workplace where everyone is finally on the same page and each team member feels understood, valued, and connected.

Still Undecided?

The Team Builder Foundations Program is PERFECT for you if:

You Want Simplicity: You need an easy-to-implement training solution that doesn’t require extensive preparation or technical know-how.

You Value Flexibility: You require a training program that works seamlessly online, accommodating both remote and in-office teams.

You Aim to Improve Communication: You are focused on enhancing your team’s communication skills to foster a more collaborative and efficient work environment.

You Seek Cost-Effective Solutions: You want to save money and time with a training program that eliminates the need for external facilitators.

You Desire Immediate Results: You’re looking for actionable strategies and practical tips that can be applied right away to see immediate improvements in team dynamics.

You Need Personalized Learning: You want each team member to benefit from customized DISC assessments and reports, providing valuable insights into their unique communication styles.

You’re Focused on Team Growth: You are dedicated to investing in your team’s development and are ready to take the next step towards building a more cohesive and high-performing team.

Ready to transform your team communication with a simple and effective solution?

Transform Team Communication and
Build a Thriving Workplace

Enrolling in Team Builder Foundations isn’t just another item on your to-do list; it’s the game-changer your team has been waiting for. From those “aha” moments during the DISC assessment to the personalized insights of the 20-page report, every step is designed to bring your team closer, making work more enjoyable and productive. With Catalyst as your digital home base, your team will have fun comparing styles, sparking conversations and truly understanding each other. And with our weekly email magic, keeping the momentum going is as effortless as it is impactful.

Using DISC to establish a common language for communication and understanding within your team will transform everyday interactions into opportunities for growth, collaboration and deeper connections.

So, are you ready to turn those frustrating “why can’t they just get along” moments into a thing of the past? Click that “Enroll Now” button and start the journey to a more cohesive, vibrant and thriving team.

Here’s to cultivating a workplace where everyone is FINALLY on the same page and feels understood, valued and connected. Let’s make this vision a reality for your team! 🚀

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions other business owners have asked about Team Builder Foundations

What is the Team Builder Foundation program?

Team Builder Foundations is an online training program designed to improve the way your team communicates and collaborates. The DISC methodology provides a common language within your team. This helps every member feel understood, valued, and connected, transforming your workplace into a vibrant and cohesive environment.

The DISC model within Team Builder Foundations acts like a secret decoder ring for team dynamics. It assesses and identifies communication styles, strengths, and areas for growth, providing personalized insights. This understanding fosters better collaboration and reduces miscommunications, making it easier for your team to achieve its goals.
Absolutely! By establishing a common language and understanding through DISC, Team Builder Foundations breaks down barriers of miscommunication and isolation. It not only brings your team members closer but also aligns their efforts towards common goals, significantly enhancing cohesion and productivity.
Yes, it is! Whether you’re running a startup, a small local business, or managing a remote team, Team Builder Foundations is designed to be flexible and adaptable. It’s all about improving team dynamics, which is a universal need across all types of businesses.

Each employee will need to commit approximately 30 minutes per week over the course of the program to engage fully with all its elements. This includes completing the DiSC assessment, participating in interactive modules on the Catalyst™ platform, and reviewing their personalized DiSC reports. The time commitment is designed to be manageable alongside regular work responsibilities, with flexible access to online materials that can be engaged with at a convenient time.

We’d love to discuss options with you. Please reach out to our support team by emailing: [email protected]

Everything DiSC® is a personal development assessment that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC® model. This simple yet powerful model describes four basic styles: D, i, S, and C. Participants receive personalized insights that deepen their understanding of self and others, making workplace interactions more enjoyable and effective. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful culture improvement in your organization.

Catalyst is the dynamic online platform that enhances the effectiveness of Everything DiSC assessments. Everything DiSC provides personalized insights into individual behavioral styles (D, i, S, and C) fostering better workplace interactions, and Catalyst takes it a step further. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for ongoing learning and development. With Catalyst, individuals and teams can delve deeper into their DiSC results, creating customized action plans for personal and professional growth. It’s the perfect companion to Everything DiSC, ensuring that insights gained lead to tangible improvements in workplace dynamics and overall organizational culture.

The following content is available on the Catalyst platform:

Your DiSC Style: A narrative summary of their DiSC style + access to a style-specific podcast.

Personalized content: Insights and tips covering the following topics:

  • What Drives You
  • You and Other Styles
  • Build Better Relationships

Your Colleagues: A comparison capability that allows learners to find their colleagues and get
tips for better interactions using DiSC

Your Groups: A group map feature that allows learners to create and save groups, plot members on a DiSC map, and shed light on team dynamics that impact performance

DiSCology: Basic information about DiSC theory and research

If you’ve previously explored DISC assessments, you know the value of understanding your personal work style and how it meshes with your team. Catalyst™ transforms this familiar journey into a dynamic, continuous learning experience that goes far beyond a static report. Unlike traditional DISC outputs, Catalyst™ is an interactive platform that breathes life into your DISC results. It facilitates real-time application and interaction, allowing you to actively experiment with communication strategies and adapt your behavior in the workplace. This isn’t just about reflection; it’s about action. With Catalyst™, you’re not just revisiting old insights—you’re continuously discovering new ways to enhance collaboration and drive team performance. This platform ensures that your investment in DISC becomes a lasting tool for growth and improvement, providing ongoing value that extends well beyond a one-time training session.

The “Your Colleagues” feature of the site showcases your similarities and differences with individual colleagues as well as strategies for working together. This feature draws on a portion of your assessment results, including your DiSC style and some preferences and tendencies.

Yes, you can. In your profile settings, there is a Privacy section where you can turn off sharing with colleagues. However, when you disable this function, you can no longer see any DiSC information about your colleagues. The ability to compare DiSC styles and explore strategies for working together is one of the most powerful functions on the Catalyst platform, so we highly recommend that you keep sharing turned on.


Improve team communication with simple, effective online training. When your team thrives, so does your business!

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success