Bring Your People Together for a Live Training Experience

Cultivate Better Team Communication with a Two-Pronged Approach:

1. Online Training
2. Everything You Need to Conduct Your Own DISC Workshops

Avoid paying high fees for a workshop facilitator

As a business owner, you understand the importance of effective team communication. However, paying for an outside trainer every time you want to conduct a workshop can be a burden. It strains your budget AND limits your control over the training process.

The Team Builder Facilitation program empowers you to take charge of your company’s communication training.

With easy-to-use, turnkey materials, you – or someone on your team – can conduct comprehensive in-house workshops without the need for an expensive outside facilitator.

The customizable training modules allow you to tailor the sessions to meet the specific needs of your team, ensuring practical and effective strategies for building cohesive and high-performing teams.

Take Control of Your Training Process

With the Team Builder Facilitation program, you gain:

Full Control

Conduct your own workshops, tailored to your team’s needs.

Cost Efficiency

Eliminate the need for costly external trainers.

Customizable Modules

Adapt training materials for both team development and new employee onboarding.

Enhanced Team Dynamics

Foster better communication and collaboration among team members.

Consistent Culture

Use the training materials to ensure new hires are aligned with the rest of the team from day one.

Take charge of your team’s development and set the tone for a cohesive, high-performing company culture with the Team Builder Facilitation program. Save costs, enhance team dynamics, and create a seamless onboarding experience for future new hires — all with one comprehensive solution.

What’s Included in the Team Builder Facilitation Program?

Training Workshop
Facilitation Toolkit

A digital download that includes modular, customizable, and ready-to-use DISC training materials including PowerPoints slide decks and written scripts.

Facilitator Report

Uncover key insights specific to your team that you can highlight during your training workshops.

90 Days of Support

Email and Zoom support from the DISC for Small Business team as you prepare your training workshops.

Research-Validated Assessment for up to 10 Team Members

The Everything DiSC Workplace assessment uses advanced algorithms to provide precise, personalized results.

20-page Personalized
DISC Report

Detailed and personalized insights for each participant.

Ongoing Access to Catalyst™

Each participant gets access to a personalized online learning platform for continuous learning. (*With NO renewal fees)

Six Months of
Personalized Emails

Weekly tailored insights and tips to keep your team on track.

Explore the Training Workshop Facilitation Kit

The facilitation kit offers flexible support for any team’s needs, with both virtual and in-person options.

Included in the kit are:

Customizable Guides

Classroom and virtual facilitation guides in Microsoft Word

PowerPoint Decks

Customizable for each module

Participant Handouts

For both classroom and virtual sessions

Program Guide

Plan your session with ease

Online Resources

Access to research, sample reports, posters and templates

Training Module Descriptions And Estimated Times

The Team Builder Facilitation program is designed with flexibility in mind, offering a range of engaging modules that cater to various aspects of team development. Below are detailed descriptions and estimated times for each module.

Module 1

Your DiSC Style

Participants walk through the framework of the DISC model and review the Everything DiSC map. They learn about their DISC styles, then discover and discuss personalized insights.

60 minutes classroom / 65 minutes virtual

Module 2

Your Colleagues

Participants walk through the framework of the DISC model and review the Everything DiSC map. They learn about their DISC styles, then discover and discuss personalized insights.

30 minutes classroom / 20 minutes virtual

Module 3

What Drives You?

Participants discover their workplace priorities as well as their motivators and stressors. They see how they compare to people with other styles and consider ways to be more effective at work.

75 minutes classroom / 70 minutes virtual

Module 4

You and Other Styles

Participants use the DISC model to better understand the people they work with. Through video and discussion, they gain insight into their relationships with colleagues based on DISC style.

75 minutes classroom / 60 minutes virtual

Module 5

Build Better Relationships

Participants use the DISC model to better understand the people they work with. Through video and discussion, they gain insight into their relationships with colleagues based on DISC style.

75 minutes classroom / 60 minutes virtual

Module 5

Your Group

Participants discover group dynamics with the your group page on the catalyst platform, learners will create and save one group and uncover group strengths and areas for growth and how they can work better together as a team.

30 minutes classroom / 30 minutes virtual

Investment Details for the
Team Builder Facilitation Program

Unlock better team communication. Here’s what your investment entails:

Program Investment


(includes assessments + access to Catalyst for up to 10 team members + all training materials)

Enroll now as a Team Builder Facilitation beta customer and enjoy a $2,000 savings!

Use the code: BETA2000 at checkout

Have more than 10 employees?
No problem. It’s only $197 for each additional person.


Exclusive Bonuses to Make Getting Started Even Easier!

Bonus #1

Kick-Off Call with Michelle

If you want a little extra support, I’m here for you. During this optional 30-minute Zoom call, we’ll craft your customized DISC rollout plan together. Launch your team's learning journey with confidence!

Bonus #2

Discover Your Starting Point with our
Pre-Training Culture Survey 🌟

Curious about where your team's vibe stands before bringing DISC into the mix? This Culture Survey is your secret weapon. Take a professional pulse on your organization's current climate BEFORE introducing the DISC program. This valuable tool not only helps you see the big picture but also sets the stage for you to measure the impactful changes DISC brings to your team.

Bonus #3

Ready-to-Use Email Templates 📄

When you’re ready to introduce DISC to your team, we've crafted the perfect email templates to inform your crew about this fantastic professional development opportunity. Just copy, paste and customize as desired. Hit send and watch the excitement build!

A Note About the Beta Program

This is the first time we’re offering the Team Builder Facilitation Program so there may be a few things to work out. Because of that, we’d like to work with a small group of customers to fine-tune the process.

If you’d like to score a $2,000 savings, all we ask is that you:

  1. Complete the program
  2. Provide feedback
  3. Leave a great review if you think it deserves it

Enroll now…before this offer is gone for good!

Use the code: BETA2000 at checkout

Still Undecided?

The Team Builder Facilitation Program is PERFECT for you if:

You Want Control: Take charge of your DISC training without relying on costly outside trainers.

You Value Team Training Workshops: From customizable training modules to ongoing support, we provide everything you need for successful in-house DISC workshops.

You Value Flexibility: The program is designed to work seamlessly in both virtual and classroom settings, making it adaptable to your needs.

You Aim to Enhance Team Dynamics: Equip your team with the skills to communicate effectively and work cohesively.

You Need a Cost-Effective Solution: Save money by utilizing our turnkey training program, which includes all necessary materials right out of the box.

You Want to Get New Hires Up to Speed Quickly: Set a positive tone for new employees by integrating DISC training into your existing onboarding process, ensuring alignment with the rest of your team from day one.

You Desire Personalization: Benefit from personalized DISC reports and tailored weekly emails to keep your team engaged and informed.

You’re Ready to Invest in Team Growth: Take the next step towards building a harmonious, high-performing team environment.

Ready to transform your team communication and enhance your company culture?

Take Charge of Your Team’s Development

Enrolling in the Team Builder Facilitation program is a step towards a more cohesive, productive and engaged team. Our turnkey training materials empower you to conduct comprehensive DISC workshops in-house, tailored to your team’s needs. Personalized DISC assessments, detailed reports and interactive training modules foster understanding and collaboration.

Enjoy the flexibility to conduct training sessions anytime, without the expense of external trainers. The Catalyst online platform is your team’s digital home base for comparing communication styles and sparking conversations. With ongoing support and weekly emails, keeping momentum is simple and streamlined.

Read More

Other Programs

Looking for a
lower-cost solution?

Check out Team Builder Foundations.

Prefer to hire a trained DISC facilitator instead of doing it yourself?

Team Builder
Deep Dive is for you

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions other business owners have asked about the Team Builder Facilitation program

What is the Team Builder Facilitation program?

The Team Builder Facilitation program is a comprehensive DISC training solution that allows business owners to conduct their own in-house workshops to improve team communication.

The program includes personalized DISC assessments for ten people, 20-page reports, training workshop facilitation toolkit, access to the Catalyst online learning platform, and three months of personalized email support.

Participants complete an 80-question survey that evaluates their behavioral styles. The results are used to create personalized reports that highlight work preferences and communication styles.

Yes, the training materials are modular and customizable, allowing you to tailor the sessions to meet the specific needs of your team.

Absolutely, the program is designed to be flexible and can be conducted in both virtual and in-person settings.

No, the program includes comprehensive facilitation guides and resources to help any facilitator, regardless of experience, conduct effective training sessions.

Training modules vary in length, typically ranging from 30 to 75 minutes, depending on the specific topic and format.

You will receive 90 days of support via email, Zoom, and Voxer to assist with any questions or challenges you might encounter while preparing and conducting your workshops.

Catalyst is an interactive online platform where team members can access their DISC profiles, compare styles with colleagues, and engage in continuous learning activities.

No, once you have access to Catalyst, there are no renewal fees. It’s a one-time investment for ongoing benefits.

DISC helps establish a common language for communication, improves understanding and collaboration among team members, and enhances overall team dynamics.

Each team member will receive weekly emails tailored to their DISC style, providing insights and tips to improve their communication and collaboration skills.

The program can be scaled to accommodate larger teams. Contact us for more details on how to customize the program for your specific needs.

Simply click the “Enroll Now” button on the sales page to start the process and transform your team’s communication and collaboration.

Immediately after your purchase, you will be directed to a thank you page with a link to an onboarding form. Through this form, you’ll provide the email addresses of your team members and select your desired start date for the program. This start date is when your team members will receive an email from DISC for Small Business, inviting them to create their account on Catalyst and take the Everything DiSC assessment.

You will also receive a welcome email with links to download your bonuses:
1. Culture Survey
2. Email Templates

Additionally, the facilitation kit will be delivered to you via a separate email within 24 hours of purchase, providing all the materials and resources you need to start your in-house DISC training workshops.

A link to download the facilitation kit will be delivered to you via email within 24 hours of enrollment. You’ll receive all the materials and resources needed to get started with your in-house DISC training workshops.

No, the training materials can be used as many times as needed. You can conduct multiple workshops and reuse the materials for ongoing training and development.

We offer extended support options and additional resources for purchase if you need further assistance beyond the initial 90 days. Contact our support team for more details.

I’m confident that you will get tremendous value from the program. However, if you decide that the program is not for you, the Team Builder Facilitation Program is eligible for a partial refund.

Since the facilitation kit is immediately downloadable, that portion of the program is NOT eligible for a refund. The remainder of the program may only be refunded prior to assessment code use. Completed assessments, profiles and reports will NOT be reset or refunded.

All refunds must be requested within 14 days of purchase by sending an email to: support[at]

Transform team communication with in-house DISC training workshops. When your team thrives, so does your business!

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success